“Hyphen” is a project about connecting, encourages people to step out of our comfort zones and take a break from our routines, observe the things around us and learn to appreciate their existence. Through a series of activities and prompts, in the form of publication and interactive installation, participants are given opportunities to connect with their inner identities, memories, nature and people around them.
We all live in a contemporary society that owns the power and techniques that it intends to help us live our life more comfortable, but at the same time, we are constantly losing the skill to socialize with people around us. People tend to stay in our comfort zone, building boundaries to gain this sense of 'secure' and 'comfort,' which we should not always be seeking. To open up and be expressive can challenge ourselves in some way, but it's something that you should be proud of and happy to do, and it could be helpful at the same time. A report has revealed that by making a connection with each other, we gain a sense of belonging, and less chance of getting depressed, less "stress-related problems" and lower risk of mental problems. In contemporary society, lots of people have small psychological questions. It's either we don't know about it, or we choose to ignore it since it's not something to concern about at all; by sharing our thoughts and socialize, these little concerns can be eliminated. Stop brainwashing yourself as being alone and be cool with naturally who you are; there's never a good life to decide to live in a cocoon and being secure all the time. Multiple factors form our society and our behaviour.
The technology of TV was invented in the case for people to spend more time with their family, that imagining a family sitting around a TV and watch a show together. Still, when a child, a mid-age man, and a grandmother seating together watching one TV show, it's not going to fulfill their favours; to solve this problem, everyone gets their TV, seating in their room individually, watching their favourite TV show; which totally moved away from its origin of Family Gathering. As every new technique came out, it changes how we behave and twisted our society too.
a collaboration work with Evelyn (Yiyun) Li